
Near the refinery of the Grupa LOTOS, there is a natural reserve Ptasi Raj [Bird Paradise], which belongs to the Nature 2000 area “Ostoja w Ujściu Wisły” [“Refuge in the Vistula Estuary”] (PLH220044).
The refinery has an area of 235 ha, while the reserve — 1,015 ha. In the reserve area, the largest group of birds are different species of dabbling ducks, diving ducks, swans and white-fronted geese. The spit is primarily a habitat of different species of seagulls, terns and waders, as well as cormorants, ducks, geese and swans. Oystercatchers and plovers also nest in the reserve area. Presence in the vicinity of such a valuable reserve is a huge responsibility and we are aware of the importance of complying with safety procedures and environmental impact reduction standards.
The concession areas owned by LOTOS Petrobaltic, which specialises in oil and gas exploration and extraction, are outside the so-called Baltic Protected Areas and do not affect biodiversity of the Baltic Sea. One of the most important tasks within the scope of our activities on the Baltic Sea is implementation of the best environmental solutions and thus preservation of the region’s full biodiversity. LOTOS Petrobaltic seeks to fully complete the measures already taken, involving implementation of the Baltic Action Plan, which sets out the “zero-discharge” requirement for offshore platforms.