Integrated Annual Report 2020

Development and education

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The training policy give every employee an opportunity to improve their competences and strengths. It helps to discover talents within the organisation and to support experts. Well-selected trainings increase the level of satisfaction and involvement of the employees of the LOTOS Group.

The development policy of the LOTOS Group is based on a systemic approach. Its aim is to develop the competences of employees so that they are adequate to the company’s needs. It is based on five main pillars: accessibility, coherence, accountability, adequacy and diversity. An important value is thoughtful organisation of development programmes. Their implementation is preceded by thorough identification and analysis of training needs, involving the employee, their superior, department directors and the HR department. The diversity of development forms is another distinguishing feature of the organisation’s training policy. This enables the learning process to be tailored to the individual preferences of the employee.

The forms of development proposed for employees include participation in open trainings — workshops, symposia, forums, as well as closed trainings. The LOTOS Academy project offers development programmes and training developing universal soft and IT competences (MS Office). Studies and language courses are also subsidised.

The Grupa LOTOS also appreciates the synergy gained from cooperation with the academic community — joint projects are being implemented, among others, as part of the Implementation Doctorate Programme. Since 2019, apart from stationary trainings, employees of the LOTOS Group have also been using the e-learning platform. It enables the organisation to reach a much wider audience with its development content. The courses available there respond to formal needs of the organisation (OHS, GDPR, courses dedicated to production employees), develop managerial and soft competences and build commitment (a series of articles and trainings prepared for the pandemic #Razemraźniej [#Merriertogether]).

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Average number of training hours per employee

2019 2020
Average number of training hours per employee 21.3 10.19
Average number of training hours per employee — women 21 13
Average number of training hours per employee — men 21.4 9.36
Average number of training hours per management members 23.8 12.54
Average number of training hours per lower-level employee 20.8 9.61

The training and development activities planned for 2020 in the Grupa LOTOS responded to the vision, strategic objectives and the resulting development initiatives developed by the organisation for 2017–2022. Important sources of information were the development tasks and objectives set for employees during the interim evaluation carried out in 2019. The planned initiatives were intended to: improve staff competences in order to adapt them to the requirements of the strategy, identify talents in the organisation and improve their strengths, disseminate expertise and increase the level of commitment and job satisfaction.

The reason for the decrease in the average number of training hours in 2020 (compared to 2019) was the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent reduced possibility of direct contact, which is extremely important in terms of development, as well as an understandable change in priorities. Both these factors have both reduced the scale of trainings organised and changed the form of the trainings.

In the LOTOS Group, we assess the competences of employees and achievement of development objectives during the interim evaluation. The Employee Periodic Evaluation System — EPES is a source of valuable information about the achievement of professional and development objectives and the level of competences and training needs across the company.

The average competence assessments of employees of the LOTOS Group amounted to 4.54 (on a scale of 1–5). This means that the requirements associated with a given competence fully meet the expectations. The results also show a high level of achievement of professional objectives — the average score was 84% — and development objectives, where the average for all companies was 81%.

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In 2020, 91% of women and 97% of men among all authorised employees of the LOTOS Group participated in the EPES evaluation.

In the Grupa LOTOS, the interim evaluation process for 2020 was carried out in accordance with changed rules (different from other group companies). In 2020, for the first time, the employee evaluation was combined with the employee bonus system and replaced the existing Employee Periodic Evaluation System and the Quarterly Incentive. Staff performing governing and management functions will be assessed on the basis of the achievement of individual annual objectives, while others will be assessed on the basis of three attitudes — team work, quality and timeliness, initiative.

The evaluation ended in mid-March 2021 and its results are not comparable to previous years’ data and data from other companies. Information on new interim evaluations will be reported in the following year.

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