Employee volunteering
Custom indicator 3
In the LOTOS Group, employee volunteering has been in place for many years. We have a large group of socially involved employees. Volunteers work for local communities using their time, knowledge and skills. As part of the programme, employees may, inter alia, apply for funding for their projects.
In 2020, our volunteers participated in various projects. More than 100 employees were involved in preparation of Christmas parcels for children and seniors from poor families, as part of the annual initiative of the Municipal Family Assistance Centre in Gdańsk. Once again, as part of the local campaign Soup in “Monciak”, collections of warm clothing were organised for the poor and needy, who are in a difficult financial situation, frequently homeless.
Volunteers from LOTOSU also became involves in the nationwide Caritas campaign, Backpack Full of Smiles. Its aim was to support children from families in need at the start of the new school year. The collected school supplies were given, among others, to children and adolescents from orphanages, single mothers and children’s homes and sociotherapy centres.
For the third time already, at the turn of November and December 2020, the Noble Parcel campaign was organised in the LOTOS Group. Nearly 60 employees took part in it.
Our employees also became involved in activities for the benefit of the local community in the era of coronavirus pandemic. In mid-April, LOTOS volunteers joined the Caritas crisis team, sorting and delivering food to the most needy, people isolated from the community. At the initiative of LOTOS Lab, volunteers started sewing protective masks. Our employees also got involved in the nationwide campaign for senior support, joining the Solidarity Senior Support Corps (www.wspierajseniora.pl).