Integrated Annual Report 2020

Awards and honours

We are pleased that our commitment to corporate social responsibility benefits many entities and, at the same time, is highly valued by experts. This recognition is evidenced by numerous awards and honours awarded to the Grupa LOTOS.

The awards and honours received confirm that dedicating due attention to our relationships with employees, improving safety at the workplace, relationships with investors and business partners, environmental protection and pro-social activities is the right direction for us.

This year was yet another consecutive year when the Grupa LOTOS was honoured with the CSR Silver Leaf in an annual plebiscite organised by Polityka weekly and Deloitte consulting company. This honour is awarded to enterprises which, in their day-to-day activities, implement the highest standards of social responsibility as set out in ISO 26000. At the same time, the organisers have chosen to distinguish 13 climate initiatives of companies that could inspire other companies in terms of the theme, scale or method of their implementation. The Grupa LOTOS has been included in this circle for the implementation of the comprehensive LOTOS helps Baltic nature programme, spanning multiple years.

The Grupa LOTOS claimed its place among the leaders of the Responsible Companies Ranking by coming in fifth in the general classification and being ranked first in its industry (Fuels, energy and mining category). The Responsible Companies Ranking is a list of companies operating in Poland, assessed in terms of the quality of the corporate social responsibility management system. The Ranking is organised by Koźmiński Business Hub, while the content partner is the Responsible Business Forum. Deloitte is responsible for verification and the media partner is “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.

15 best practices of the Grupa LOTOS are included in the Responsible Business Forum Report. The distinguished practices included: Direction Baltic, Blue Trail, Supplier Portal, OHS Days, Looking for the Master’s Successors, Employee Volunteering Programme, LOTOS – Masters in seatbelts, Support at start, Railway Technology Day, Talents with LOTOS and Football Future with LOTOS.

2020 was an extraordinary time for communications and PR. Unexpectedly, the pandemic fundamentally changed the ways of reaching employees, members of the media and customers. These new conditions, which we had to quickly adapt to, stimulated our creativity in communication. It was a challenging year. Our biggest accomplishment was maintaining the continuity of disclosure. We kept external stakeholders as well as our staff up to date on the company’s activities and related developments. Also, we attached great importance to ongoing reporting on the national multi-utility group being built by PKN ORLEN.

Adam Kasprzyk
Communications Director

Other awards and honours for the LOTOS Group in 2020

  1. LOTOS Oil received the golden emblem of Consumer Quality Leader 2020 in the “Motor oils” category in August 2020.
  2. LOTOS Kolej ranked third in the “Revenues from declared core activity — transport” category in the TSL Companies Ranking in the category including transport companies. The list includes the most important companies representing the transport, freight forwarding and logistics sectors.
  3. For the fourth time, the LOTOS Biznes card was selected as the best fuel card in the nationwide Polish Fleet Derby plebiscite. On the other hand, the Blue Trail concept, which was entered in the competition for the first time, was the winner in the Electromobility category.
  4. The LOTOS Biznes card claimed the first place in the “Fleet cards” category in the Consumer Quality Leader 2020 plebiscite. The programme is organised by the editors of Strefa Gospodarki — a supplement Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.
  5. The Forum of Leaders at the Central Institute for Labour Protection awarded the LOTOS Group with a prestigious Safe Work Green Card. The distinction was granted as a way of recognising active and effective actions undertaken by the Company to improve the conditions, safety and protection of employees at the workplace.
  6. During the 7th edition of the Polish Chemistry Congress, the Grupa LOTOS received the honorary title of an Ambassador of Polish Chemistry for its active actions for the Polish chemical sector.

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