Integrated Annual Report 2020
  • 102-42
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People are always of utmost importance for the LOTOS Group. Our stakeholders influence how we generate economic, social as well as environmental value.

When making decisions, we remember about these values and strive to build good and lasting relationships with our environment.

Within the organisation and in our interactions with counterparties or customers, we are committed to safety and respect for human dignity. This applies to people who wear the LOTOS colours on a daily basis, as well as those with whom we cooperate in operational and communication activities.

The quality of the relationship is not merely an end in itself — it also translates into a mutual benefit. This is why we strive for a productive dialogue with both our social and market environment.

Our most important activities in this area include:

  • systematic analysis of customers’ and counterparties’ satisfaction
  • regular exchange of information with participants of the capital market
    (using the Investor Relations service)
  • participation in numerous investor conferences
  • contacts with regulators and control and monitoring organisations
  • dialogue with employees
    going beyond ongoing work-related matters, as well as regular discussions with labour unions, the Workers’ Council
  • regular measurements of the employees’ satisfaction level
  • 102-40

Map of stakeholders

Customers view us in a positive light

The opinion and expectations of our customers are an important source of information and inspiration for us to further develop our business. The customer attachment rate in 2020 was 77 points, which means a high level of satisfaction and a strong relationship between the Customers and the company. The most important factor affecting customer satisfaction and choice of LOTOS products is the availability and quality of products. Customers also highly value the logistics services and competencies of employees.

77 pt
The customer attachment rate in 2020

Customer typology

Satisfaction with cooperation with the LOTOS Group (answer to the question “What is your assessment of cooperation with the LOTOS Group?”)

Search results